Here at Lone Mountain, we have a proud tradition of presenting a selection of high quality Fullblood Sire genetics for premium tasting beef. We’ve categorized each of our Sires by their excellence in four unique traits – Carcass, Balance, Marbling, and Growth. Learn more about or sires by clicking on their names below.
For sales, please email us at or call our office at 310-622-1040 or 505-281-1432. Lone Mountain Cattle Company wagyu semen is also available through our distributor, ORIgen. Visit their website You can contact them via email through contact page the site, or call 1-866-867-4436.
LMR Akahige 8119U is a classically bred Itozurudoi TF151 and CF600 (sired by TF Itomichi 1-2) from an embryo purchased from Master Wagyu Breeder Shogo Takeda.
Itozurudoi TF151’s sire, Itokitatsuru J1081 (Tottori), was a son of Dai 7 Itozakura (brother to Kitaguni 7-8 J1530, Itomichi J1158, Itofuji J483, Itofuji J1711, Itohana J809, among many others). Itozurudoi’s dam, Yasuhime J433313, was sired by Yasumi Doi J10328, and her dam sire was Kikuteru Doi J10787 – making her a blend of Naka Doi/Kikumi Doi lines. One could not dream up a more diverse bull. TF151 is known as a fabulous composite bull: 50% Tajima; 25% Fujiyoshi; and 25% Kedaka.
According to BREEDPLAN 8119U ranks in the top 1% of the 250 tested Wagyu sires for all-important Milk EBV (+9) and in top 15% for Mature Cow Weight EBV (+35). 8119U also ranks top 5% for FTI (+$241), surpassing even his sire TF151 (+$139).
Perhaps more importantly, in the 2017 LMCC Sire Performance Study 8119U ranks as the #2 Sire for Marbling Fineness (with 12 carcasses studied). See example (LMR Ms Akahige 4200B – a heifer carcass).
His carcass progeny have also consistently performed high. LMR Akahige 8119U’s highest graded progeny was 41.16% IMF (pictured) and ranks him among the elite sires used in the Lone Mountain meat program. Although a relative newcomer, LMR Akahige 8119U has had a total of 12 progeny slaughtered to date.
LMR Akahige 8119U has been tested free for all known Wagyu genetic defects. His SCD result is VA and a Tenderness Score of 5.
Owned by Parker Ranch. Semen interest retained by Lone Mountain.
LMR Ms Akahige 4200B – 8119U [TF151 x TF600] x Michifuku – 41.16% IMF
LMR Kitaguni 1441Y is an example of the carcass-winning genetic marriage of WKS Kitaguni Jr and WKS Yasufuku Jr. 1441Y’s first harvested offspring, 4247B, delivered one of the highest marbled carcasses (52% IMF) Lone Mountain has ever produced (pictured). His second offspring, 4249B, measured 39.72% IMF. Both were 31-month-old heifers.
This is an example of the exemplary mating “nick” that Lone Mountain has uncovered, marrying the abundance of marbling of Kitaguni 7/8 with the marbling fineness of Yasufuku Jr. Kenichi Ono opines that Kitaguni 7 No 8 was one of the three greatest Wagyu in all of Japan and considers Yasufuku Jr’s sire, Yasufuku J930, to be the very best of Tajima breeding.
Not to be overlooked is the influence of 1441Y‘s dam, BR Ms Yasufuku 0645, one of Lone Mountain’s finest donors. She has produced 19 calves for Lone Mountain: 6 steers graded over 30% IMF including a 50% steer, LMR Kitaguni 8166U and two of our best donors. Another of 0645’s sons, LMR Kochi 1409Y, now deceased, is a full brother of 1441Y. In addition, one of our newest sires, LMR Taisuke 401B shows a double instance of 0645 in his pedigree.
Although still not in his prime, LMR Kitaguni 1441Y promises to be another breakout marbling success. He is also promising as a heifer bull with his Birth Weight EBV (-3.3) ranking him in the top 1% of the Wagyu herd outside Japan according to BREEDPLAN, which would indicate a high probability that his calves will be on the lighter side. In addition, 1441Y has a fine set of BREEDPLAN figures for carcass: high fat EBVs (Rib (+1.1) and Rump (+1.3), and an impressive Marble Score EBV (+0.8) – in the top 10% of the Wagyu herd outside Japan. As 1441Y’s progeny results continue to soar, his MS EBV will also soar – and perhaps, cause his sire, Yasufuku Jr, to move upward, as well.
In the most recent LMCC Sire Performance Study ( July 2017), 1441Y makes his first appearance as the highest marbling sire –albeit with only 4 images studied, above all the other sires we have studied, including Yasufuku Jr, his full sib, LMR Koichi 1409Y, his father, Kitaguni Jr, and Yojimbo. 1441Y not only ranks 1st for IMF (39.54%), but is also 1st for Marble Fineness (33.75) – ahead of both Akahige 8119U and his full sib Koichi 1409Y, Yojimbo and his father, Kitaguni Jr. LMR Kitaguni 1441Y is free by parentage for all known Wagyu genetic defects. His SCD result is AA and Tenderness of 6.
In LMR Mitsuru 2450Z, the famous Dai 7 Itozakura J65 and Monjiro J11550 lines come together to forge carcass-winning genetics. Itozakura, namesake of the Itozakura “tsuru” (a cattle line or a strain of cattle), is listed by Kenichi Ono as the 2nd most important Wagyu of Japan – widely known for frame size, weight gain and gentle nature. His marbling score was unheard of at the time: fully three times higher than many of the top bulls of his era. Kenichi Ono says Dai 7 Itozakura became known as the smartest economic investment among all Wagyu strains. Arguably his most famous son, Kitaguni 7 8, is 3rd on Ono’s list.
Monjiro J11550, Mitsuru’s maternal grandsire, is #7 on Ono’s list – known best in the West as Michifuku’s sire and Sanjirou’s grandsire. Sired by Yasumi Doi J10328 and born in Hyogo Prefecture, Monjiro was only one year old when he won 2nd prize (Honorable Prize) at the Zenkyo in Fukushima in 1982. He was active for 12 years and produced over 400,000 straws of semen.
Kitaguni Jr, 2450Z’s sire, is a Trait Leader and ranks in the top 1% for Birth Weight EBV (-2.7). Kitaguni ranks in the top 1% for Marble Score EBV (+1.4) and in the top 3% for Rib Fat EBV (+1.4). In the 2017 LMCC Sire Performance Study, WKS Kitaguni Jr ranks 4th with an average of 31.73%, with 61 carcasses studied, following Yasufuku Jr and his own son, LMR Koichi 1409Y. And with 16 images studied as Dam Sire, Kitaguni Jr displays his staying power by ranking #1 for IMF (34.35%). And in terms of Marble Fineness, Kitaguni Jr ranks 5th as Sire and 3rd as Dam Sire.
2450Z has all the hallmarks of a great carcass builder with a Marble Score EBV (+1.1), ranking him in the top 5% of all Fullblood Wagyu outside Japan. Like his half-sib 4200B, LMR Mitsuru 2450Z is passing those marbling genes to his offspring – now 29 and counting. Lone Mountain was using him heavily as one of our top Kitaguni cover bulls before his sale to Imperial Beef, though we expect another group of his calves to hit the ground before the end of 2017.
FREE by parentage of all known Wagyu Genetic Defects. SCD = AA Tenderness Score of 4. Owned by Imperial Beef. Semen interest retained by Lone Mountain.
LMR Ms Akahige 4200B – 8119U [TF151 x TF600] x Michifuku – 41.16% IMF
LMR Aoichi 2468Z is comparable to the mating the Australian Wagyu Sire Research Project has uncovered as the finest of the highly marbling sires: Itoshigenami TF148 out of a Monjiro-line dam (Sanjirou), named Mayura Itoshigenami Jnr A0139. An A0139 ET son (Mayura L0010) was bought for a record-breaking AU$ 105,000 at the May 2017 Australian Elite Wagyu Sale. It surpasses the 10 straws of semen from Mayura Itoshigenami Jr that sold in May 2016 in Australia for the amazing figure: AU$30,500.
There are three key families in the Tajima line: Nakadoi, Okudoi and Kumanami. A bull named Shigeshigenami is the reason the Kumanami line is on that elite list. Itoshigenami TF148 was sired by Shigeshigenami – a double cross of Shigekanenami and therefore highly inbred in the Kumanami bloodline – the result of a father-daughter mating.
Shigeshigenami’s family has extremely potent marbling genes. He is widely known for significantly bolstering the quality of Wagyu in the Miyagi Prefecture. In fact, Kenichi Ono, author of Outstanding Wagyu of Japan, describes Shigeshigenami as the bull most representative of “meat-quality Wagyu.” Assets include a high degree of marbling and a high probability
of good characteristics being passed down to progeny. David Blackmore, renowned Australian Wagyu producer, who has written concisely and admirably about Itoshigenami TF148 believes him to be one of the very best bulls ever exported from Japan.
Itoshigenami is one of the best Wagyu bulls available to breeders in the West – we strongly believe – and it is the prime reason we have used him to create several extraordinary herd sires, especially LMR Aoichi 2468Z.
Lone Mountain picked LMR Aoichi 2468Z out of seven flush mates to be our primary TF148 sire. 2468Z ranks in the top 5% for IMF EBV (+1.1) and in the top 10% FTI ($217) in the most current BREEDPLAN report. LMR Aoichi 2468Z’s dam, LMR Ms Michifuku 783T was sold in the 2014 Production Sale for $20,500. 783T has also produced another LMR sire – LMR Hiroyuki 3492A by Bar R Yasufuku 42K.
TESTED FREE of all known Wagyu Genetic Defects. SCD = VA Tenderness = 8
LMR Itoshegenami 0181X – TF148 x Itomichi-4632 – 41.01% IMF
LMR Daisuke 2470Z represents another fine combination of World K genetics: sired by WKS Kitaguni Jr out of a WKS Sanjirou dam. Kitaguni Jr is, according to BREEDPLAN, a marbling star (MS EBV +1.4) and a heifer bull with Birth Weight EBV (-3.0) both ranking him in the top 1% of all Wagyu sires tested and WKS Sanjirou is in the top 1% for Ribeye Area EBV (+9.1) – a match made in Wagyu heaven.
WKS Kitaguni Jr, a valuable son of Kitaguni 7 8 J1530, was born October 7, 1994 shortly after WKS Nakayuki J13943, his dam, arrived in the United States (exported by the Mannett Group).
In the 2017 LMCC Sire Performance Study WKS Kitaguni Jr, with 61 carcasses studied, ranks 4th for IMF with an average of 31.73%, following Yasufuku Jr and his own son, LMR Koichi 1409Y. And with 16 images studied as Dam Sire, Kitaguni Jr displays his staying power for IMF by ranking #1 (34.35%). And in terms of Marble Fineness Kitaguni Jr ranks 3rd as Dam Sire.
In the relatively short time Lone Mountain has used Kitaguni Jr in our breeding program, he has produced no fewer than five outstanding LMR herd sires, including LMR Koichi 1409Y (#3 Sire for IMF%) and LMR Kitaguni 1441Y (who has already produced a carcass grading 52.03% IMF).
Kitaguni Jr has been a powerhouse for Lone Mountain, producing outstanding carcasses achieving the 50% IMF range and Sanjirou has also fashioned high grading steers as sire (LMR Sanjirou 4203B with 36.85%) and as a dam sire (LMR Yasufuku 9310W with 42.10%).
LMR Daisuke 2470Z’s dam, LMR Ms Sanjirou 8145U, registers WKS Takazakura as her maternal grandsire – Takazakura’s paternal line reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of Tajima breeding: sired by Takaei J1412, a son of Yasufuku J930, in turn is the incomparable son of Yasutani Doi J472. What makes this line famous is excellent meat quality, large ribeye area, thick rib, and high yields. Genetic predictions of this Tajima strain have been proven time and again as accurate and well founded.
FREE by parentage of all known Wagyu genetic defects. SCD: AA 6 Owned by Imperial Beef – Semen interest retained by LMCC
LMR Kitaguni 8166U – Kitaguni Jr x Yasufuku Jr – 50.2% IMF
LMR Yoshihiro 4335B is one of Lone Mountain’s younger sires – sired by Itoshigenami TF148 and LMR Yojimbo 634S as dam sire.
There are three key families in the Tajima line: Nakadoi, Okudoi and Kumanami. The Kumanami line originated in 1957 with the birth of Shigekanenami and descended from a female of the Nakadoi line. For a Hyogo Prefecture bull of its time, Shigekanenami had exceptional weight gain and an outstandingly proportioned body. His most prolific and exceptional son, Shigeshigenami, according to Kenichi Ono, produced progeny that had the best consistency of meat quality, “the meat quality is typically extraordinary”.
Itoshigenami TF148 was sired by Shigeshigenami, himself the result of a father-daughter mating. TF148 exhibits a triple cross of Shigekanenami J6109, and therefore is highly linebred in the Kumanami bloodline. He is a medium-framed bull said to weigh 1,650 pounds with excellent conformation, is being used extensively in the Lone Mountain Fullblood breeding program to induce maternal characteristics while enhancing carcass quality.
Itoshigenami TF148 is one of the best Wagyu bulls available to breeders in the West – we strongly believe – and it is the prime reason we have used him to create several extraordinary herd sires like LMR Aoichi 2468Z, and we believe LMR Yoshihiro 4335B will live up to the rewards offered by his older sibling.
Itoshigenami TF148 is very highly thought of in BREEDPLAN computations: outstanding FTI of +$353 (the top 1% is +$308) and Marbling EBV of +1.7 (top 1% is +1.3). One of his sons, Mayura Itoshigenami Jr A0139 (dam sire, WKS Sanjirou) has an astronomical FTI (+$557) and Marbling EBV (+2.4). A0139’s genetics are closely held – so far the only time his straws have been sold at auction was in 2016 and brought $30,500 for only 10 straws. His EBVs are based on actual carcass data – 78 carcasses have been analyzed, with 94% accuracy.
Yoshihiro 4335B has been assigned pedigree BREEDPLAN EBVs, ranking him in the top 2% for IMF EBV (+1.1) and in the top 5% Fullblood Terminal Index (FTI) (+$239). This steer was harvested at 30 months of age and was, incidentally, F11+, just like his sire. FREE of all known Wagyu genetic defects. SCD: VV Tenderness: 5
LMR Itoshigenami 3456A – TF148 x Kitaguni Jr – 42.86% IMF
LMR Yosuke 5165C is the result of a mating between two illustrious foundation sires of the Wagyu breed: WKS Kitaguni Jr and Itoshigenami TF148. Yosuke 5165C’s paternal grandsire, Kitaguni 7 8, was the sire of Grand Champion of 7th Zenkyo, held in Iwate Prefecture in 1997. When Kitaguni’s indirect testing was completed in 1990, it was overshadowed by very stable Yasufuku 165-9 harvest results, so 7 8 did not get much attention until around 1993. But once he became known, Kitaguni 7 8 managed to leave everyone else in the dust, winning nationwide carcass contests four years in a row: 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000.
5165C’s sire, WKS Kitaguni Jr is, according to BREEDPLAN (and the LMCC Sire Summary), a marbling star (EBV +1.4) ranking him in the top 1% of all Wagyu sires tested. In the 2017 LMCC Sire Performance Study, WKS Kitaguni Jr,with 61 carcasses studied, ranks 4th with an average of 31.73% and, with 16 images studied as Dam Sire, Kitaguni Jr displays his staying power by ranking 2nd (34.35%). And in terms of Marble Fineness, Kitaguni Jr ranks 3rd as Dam Sire.
Yosuke 5165’s dam sire, Itoshigenami TF148, is from the famous Shigeshigenami sire line. These ancestral lines are renowned for delivering a high degree of marbling and with that, a high probability that those exceptional characteristics are passed down through the generations. The Australian Wagyu Sire Research Project has uncovered as the finest of the highly marbling sires: Itoshigenami TF148 out of a Monjiro-line dam (Sanjirou), named Mayura Itoshigenami Jnr A0139. An A0139 ET son (Mayura L0010) was bought for a record-breaking AU$ 105,000 at the 2017 Australian Wagyu Annual conference surpassing the 10 straws of semen from Mayura Itoshigenami Jr that sold in May 2016 in Australia for an astounding figure: AU$30,500.
Yosuke 5165C’s BREEDPLAN pedigree figures are impressive with a Marble Score EBV of +1.2 and Rib Fat EBV (+1.3), ranking him in the top 5% of the breed. The genetic combination of his sire and dam sire leads us to believe that he will be an exceptional bull with great carcass quality prospects. TESTED FREE of all known Wagyu Conditions SCD: AA Tenderness: 7
LMR Kitaguni 2016Z – Kitaguni Jr x TF148 – 38.09% IMF
Lone Mountain Cattle Company semen is available via this website or through our distributor ORIgen. You can find LMCC semen in the Wagyu section of their site, or contact their sales team directly at 1-866-867-4436 or using the email module on their contact page.